
Le Devoir

May 2024

Sherbrooke is an important destination for quantum! The article is available in Le Devoir.

Photo credits: Jean-Louis Bordeleau - Le Devoir


April 2024

Louis received the title of Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques! An interview with Prof. Louis Taillefer about this new honor is available on CBC.

Photo credits: Michel Caron - UdeS

Research in the Taillefer group

January 2024

Some members of the Taillefer's group shot and edited a short film to show a little what was done in the laboratory.

Credit : Ashvini, Toggi, Emma et Jordan


April 2019

How could quantum technologies transform our society? Louis Taillefer answers that question in this video produce by CIFAR. More can be found in this link.

Photo credits: CIFAR - Thomas Van Ryzewk


December 2018

A journey that leads to quantum oscillations - interview with Louis Taillefer, Acfas 2018 Award.

Laurence Haguenauer, Consul General of France in Quebec City and Louis Taillefer, winner of the Acfas-Adrien Pouliot 2018 Award.

Photo credits: Acfas - Hombeline Dumas

Quanta Magazine

November 2018

Experiments suggest that exotic superconducting materials share a “strange metal” state characterized by a quantum speed limit that somehow acts as a fundamental organizing principle. Learn more about this new state in Quanta Magazine.

Photo Credit: Quanta Magazine

Université de Sherbrooke

February 2016

Louis Taillefer's group explains how the discovery of separate critical points for the onset of the pseudogap and charge-density-wave phases, revealed by Hall effect in high magnetic field, was made possible.

Quanta Magazine

February 2016

In a virtuoso experiment, physicists have revealed details of a “quantum critical point” that underlies high-temperature superconductivity. Learn more about the quantum secret to superconductivity in Quanta Magazine

Photo Credit: Michel Caron, Université de Sherbrooke

Université de Genève

August 2015

Invited by the University of Geneva to give a public lecture during the international conference M2S, Louis Taillefer discusses the mysteries and magic of superconductivity since its discovery. More info.

Aspen Center for Physics

January 2014

The 2014 Nick and Maggie DeWolf Lecture Series - "Superconductivity: the Magic and the Mystery" with Louis Taillefer. The video can be found here .

American Physical Society

February 2014

The American Physical Society revisits to the fruitful collaborations developed within the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research


July 2013

How do we find things out? Four of Canada's top research scholars come together to discuss the idea of discovery. Is it an art or a science? Can anyone do it? And who owns what's discovered? Paul Kennedy moderates the 2012 Killam Prize Symposium from Rideau Hall, featuring this year's Canada Council's Killam Prize Winners. Listen here.

Institute for Quantum Computing

March 2012

Louis Taillefer of Université de Sherbrooke, lectures on the two big mysteries of superconductivity, at the Quantum Frontiers Distinguished Lecture, presented by the Institute for Quantum Computing and the University of Waterloo's Department of Physics and Astronomy.