Taillefer Group

Quantum materials research group at the Université de Sherbrooke

News Join the team



Lu accepted a position of assistant professor at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign!!

May 2024

We are so proud of you Lu, congratulations!! Thank you for all your hard work, and for sharing your passion of science and your bubbly personality with us. We wish you the best x


Emma received a merit scholarship for foreign students from the FRQNT!

April 2024

Good job Emma for all your hard work!! This scholarship is well-deserved (-:


Charles received a MSc scholarship from NSERC!

April 2024

Charles is a new master's student that will join the group in August! He is currently finishing his undergraduate studies in Physics at Université de Montréal, and will then do a co-supervised master's by Louis and Gaël. Congratulations Charles, and welcome to the group (-: !!


Studying the electrons in quantum materials

Strong interactions between electrons is an inexhaustible source of intriguing collective properties. The quantum materials we study include unconventional superconductors, spin liquids, topological insulators and Weyl semimetals, among others. Our experimental approach consists of measuring the electric, thermal and thermoelectric transport properties of these materials under different conditions of temperature, magnetic field and pressure. These measurements allow us to explore the behaviour of electrons and to describe the underlying interactions.

Quantum materials

Unconventional superconductors, spin liquids, topological insulators, Weyl semimetals.


Property of a material that allows it to transport an electric current with zero resistance and to expel a magnetic field.

Transport measurements

Electric resistivity, thermal conductivity, Hall effect, Seebeck effect, Nernst effect, Righi-Leduc effect.

Low temperatures

Two dilution fridges allow us to reach temperatures as low as a few dozen millikelvins.

Magnetic Field

Superconducting coils give us access to magnetic fields up to 20 T.

High Pressure

Our pressure cells can apply up to 2 GPa, the pressure of roughly 20 000 atmospheres.

The Laboratories

From the cryostats to the dilution fridges via the prep-rooms.

Photo : UdeS - Martin Blache

Contact us


Département de Physique
Université de Sherbrooke
2500 boul. Université, Sherbrooke (Québec)
Canada J1K 2R1