Associate Dean, Professor
Department of Psychology
College of Sciences, Old Dominion University
Debra Major is Eminent Scholar, Professor of Psychology, and Associate Dean of the College of Sciences at Old Dominion University in Virginia. Her research interests include the work-family interface, career obstacles faced by women and minorities, and developmental relationships in working environments. The focus of her work on professional advancement issues led her to analyze mechanisms taken by organizations and individuals to address work-family conflict.
For more than 15 years, the National Science Foundation has supported her research through important grants dedicated to study the situation of women in STEM. She looks into how inclusive climate, fairness perceptions and career development opportunities may affect the experience of women in science.
Her expertise being well established, Debra Major is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Sciences, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She is also a member of several editorial boards for psychology and management journals, former editor of The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist and permanent guest editor of the Journal of Business and Psychology.