1. The connectivity degree controls the difficulty in reservoir design of random boolean networks 
  Emmanuel Calvet, Jean Rouat, Bertrand Reulet

  Front. Comput. Neurosci., 18(2024)
2. Metrics for the violation of detailed balance in microwave circuits: theory and experiment
  Alexandre Dumont, Pierre Février, Christian Lupien and Bertrand Reulet
  J. Stat. Mech. (2024) 033206
3. Giant Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Few-Layer α-RuCl3 Tunnel Junctions
  Mathieu Massicotte, Sam Dehlavi, Xiaoyu Liu, James L. Hart, Elio Garnaoui,
  Paula Lampen-Kelley, Jiaqiang Yan, David G. Mandrus, Stephen E. Nagler, 
  Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Bertrand Reulet, Judy,  J. Cha, Hae-Young Kee, Jeffrey A. Quilliam

 ACS Nano 2024, 18, 36, 25118–25127
4. Counting statistics of ultrabroadband microwave photons
  Simon Bolduc Beaudoin, Edouard Pinsolle, and Bertrand Reulet
  Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043238


1. Fluctuation-Dissipation in Thermoelectrics
Ngoc Anh Minh Tran, Aditya Savitha Dutt, Nithin Bharadwaj Pulumati, Heiko Reith, Anjun Hu,
   Alexandre Dumont, Kornelius Nielsch, André-Marie Tremblay, Gabi Schierning, Bertrand Reulet, Thomas Szkopek
   EuroPhysics Letters 141 (2), 26002, (2023)
2. Squeezing electronic noise with two tones
C. Paradis, P. Fevrier, E. Pinsolle, B. Reulet
   Applied Phys. Lett. 122, (26)  (2023)
3. Noise Dynamics in the Quantum Regime
   Clovis Farley, Edouard Pinsolle, Bertrand Reulet
   2023 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF)
4. Probability Currents in Out-of-Equilibrium Microwave Circuits
   Alexandre Dumont, Pierre Février, Christian Lupien, Bertrand Reulet
   2023 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF)
5. Low frequency noise in AC biased metallic tunnel junctions
   Nicolas Fontaine, Alexandre Dumont, Bertrand Reulet
   2023 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF)
6. Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance Emerges as a Key Factor for RBN Performance, Overriding Attractor Dynamics
   Emmanuel Calvet, Jean Rouat, Bertrand Reulet
   Front. Comput. Neurosci. 17 (2023)


1. Photocount statistics of the Josephson parametric amplifier
   Jean Olivier Simoneau, Stéphane Virally, Christian Lupien, and Bertrand Reulet
   Phys. Rev. R 4, 013176 (2022)                                                                                                                                                 


1. Noise feedback in an electronic circuit.
   K Thibault, J Gabelli, C Lupien, B Reulet.
   Phys. Rev. R. 3, 033058 (2021)
2. Graphene field effect transistor scaling for ultra-low-noise sensors.
    Ngoc Anh Minh Tran, Ibrahim Fakih, Oliver Durnan, Anjun Hu, Ayse Melis Aygar, Ilargi Napal, Alba Centeno, Amaia Zurutuzam, Bertrand Reulet and Thomas Szkopek. 
    Nanotechnology, 32 (4), 045502 (2021)                                                                                                                                                                                              


1. Dynamical I-V characteristics of SNS junctions.
    K. Spahr, J. Graveline, C Lupien, M Aprili, B Reulet,   
    Phys. Rev. B  102, 100504(R) (2020)
2. Shot noise of a temperature-biased tunnel junction.
    S. Larocque, E Pinsolle, C Lupien, B Reulet
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 106801 (2020)
3. Fundamental and environmental contributions to the cyclostationary third moment of current fluctuations in a tunnel junction.
    P. Fevrier, C. Lupien, B Reulet
    Phys. Rev. B  101, 245440 (2020)
4. Quantitative measurements of quantized microwave Faraday rotation
     Vishnunarayanan Suresh, Edouard Pinsolle, Christian Lupien, Talia J. Martz-Oberlander, Michael P. Lilly, John L. Reno, Guillaume Gervais, Thomas Szkopek, Bertrand Reulet.
     Phys. Rev. B  102, 085302 (2020)


1. Parametric amplification and squeezing with an ac- and dc-voltage biased superconducting junction.
    U.C. Mendes, S. Jezouin, P. Joyez, B. Reulet, A. Blais, F. Portier, C. Mora and C. Altimiras,
    Phys. Rev. Applied  11, 034035 (2019)
2. Photon-assisted dynamical Coulomb blockade in a tunnel junction
    Samuel Houle, Karl Thibault, Edouard Pinsolle, Christian Lupien, and Bertrand Reulet
    Phys. Rev. B  100, 045304 (2019)
3. Unidimensional time-domain quantum optics
    Stéphane Virally and Bertrand Reulet
    Phys. Rev. A 100, 023833(2019)
4. Measurement of the cyclostationary third moment in the noise of a tunnel junction
    Février Pierre , Lupien, Christian,  Reulet, Bertrand
   25th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF 2019)
5. Noise and dynamics in diffusive conductors
    Pinsolle Edouard,  Houle Samuel, Lupien Christian, Reulet Bertrand, and Enz Christian
    25th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF 2019)
6. Shot noise and squeezing in the conduction channel of a Field Effect Transistor at ultra low temperature
     Manseau Anthoni, Pinsolle Edouard, Lupien Christian, Reulet Bertrand, and Enz Christian.    
    25th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF 2019)


1. Non-Gaussian Current Fluctuations in a Short Diffusive Conductor
    Edouard Pinsolle, Samuel Houle, Christian Lupien, and Bertrand Reulet
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 027702 (2018)
2. Competing charge density waves probed by non-linear transport and noise in the second and third Landau levels.
    K.  Bennaceur, C. Lupien, B. Reulet, G. Gervais, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West
   Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 136801 (2018)
3. Statistics of the quantized microwave electromagnetic field in mesoscopic elements at low temperature.
     Stephane Virally, Jean-Olivier Simoneau, Christian Lupien and Bertrand Reulet
     J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 969, 012138 (2018)


1. Characterization and control of charge transfer in a tunnel junction
     J.-C. Forgues, G. Gasse, C. Lupien, B. Reulet
    Physica Status Solidi B, 1600619 (2017)
2. Photon-pair shot noise in electron shot noise
     Jean-Olivier Simoneau, Stéphane Virally, Christian Lupien and Bertrand Reulet
    Phys. Rev. B 95, (2017) 


1. Quantum Optics Theory of Electronic Noise in Coherent Conductors
    Arne L. Grimsmo, Farzad Qassemi, Bertrand Reulet and Alexandre Blais
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 043602 (2016)
2. Direct measurement of the electron energy relaxation dynamics in metallic wires
    E. Pinsolle, A. Rousseau, C. Lupien, B. Reulet
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 236601 (2016)
3. Non-classical radiation emission by a coherent conductor
    J.-C. Forgues, G. Gasse, C. Lupien, B. Reulet
    C.R. Physique 17, 718 (2016)
4. Electron and electron-hole wave functions in a driven quantum contact
    Mihajlo Vanević, Julien Gabelli, Wolfgang Belzig, and Bertrand Reulet
    Phys. Rev. B 93, 041416(R) (2016)
5. Discrete photon statistics from continuous microwave measurements
    Stéphane Virally, Jean-Olivier Simoneau, Christian Lupien, Bertrand Reulet
   Phys. Rev. A 93, 043813 (2016)


1. Experimental Violation of Bell-like Inequalities By Electronic Shot Noise
    Jean-Charles Forgues, Christian Lupien and Bertrand Reulet
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 130403 (2015)
2. Pauli-Heisenberg Oscillations in Electron Quantum Transport,
    Karl Thibault, Julien Gabelli, Christian Lupien, and Bertrand Reulet,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 236604 (2015)
3. Electron thermal, quantum, shot, and photo-assisted noise: From spectroscopy to current-current correlator in time domain
    Karl Thibault, Julien Gabelli, Christian Lupien, and Bertrand Reulet
    IEEE International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF), Xian, China (2015)


1. Emission of Microwave Photon Pairs by a Tunnel Junction,
     Jean-Charles Forgues, Christian Lupien and Bertrand Reulet,
     Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 043602 (2014)


1. Nonsymmetrized Correlations in Quantum Noninvasive Measurements,
    A. Bednorz, C. Bruder, B. Reulet and W. Belzig,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 250404 (2013)
2. Observation of Squeezing in the Electron Quantum Shot Noise of a Tunnel Junction,
    G. Gasse, C. Lupien and B. Reulet,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 136601 (2013)
3. Observation of quantum oscillations in the photoassisted shot noise of a tunnel junction
    Gabriel Gasse, Lafe Spietz, Christian Lupien and Bertrand Reulet,
    Phys. Rev. B 88, 241402(R) (2013)
4. Shaping a time-dependent excitation to minimize shot noise in a tunnel junction,
    J. Gabelli and B. Reulet,
    Physical Review B 87, 075403 (2013)
5. Noise Intensity-Intensity Correlations and the Fourth Cumulant of Photo-assisted Shot Noise,
     J.-C. Forgues, F. B. Sane, S. Blanchard, C. Lupien and B. Reulet
     Sci. Rep. 3, 2869 (2013)
6. Electron-photon correlations and the third moment of quantum noise
    Julien Gabelli, Lafe Spietz, Jose Aumentado and Bertrand Reulet,
    New J. Phys. 15, 113045 (2013) (2013)