
Gautier, Ronan; Genois, Élie; Blais, Alexandre

Optimal control in large open quantum systems: the case of transmon readout and reset Journal Article

In: arXiv:2403.14765, 2024.

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Dumas, Marie Frédérique; Groleau-Paré, Benjamin; McDonald, Alexander; Muñoz-Arias, Manuel H.; Lledó, Cristóbal; D'Anjou, Benjamin; Blais, Alexandre

Unified picture of measurement-induced ionization in the transmon Journal Article

In: arXiv:2402.06615, 2024.

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Labarca, Lautaro; Benhayoune-Khadraoui, Othmane; Blais, Alexandre; Parra-Rodriguez, Adrian

Toolbox for nonreciprocal dispersive models in circuit QED Journal Article

In: arXiv:2312.08354, 2023.

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Muñoz-Arias, M. H.; Lledó, C.; Blais, A.

Qubit readouts enabled by qubit cloaking Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Appl., vol. 20, pp. 054013, 2023.

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Muñoz-Arias, M. H.; Kourtis, S.; Blais, A.

Low-depth Clifford circuits approximately solve MaxCut Journal Article

In: arXiv:2310.15022, 2023.

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Lledó, Cristóbal; Dassonneville, Rémy; Moulinas, Adrien; Cohen, Joachim; Shillito, Ross; Bienfait, Audrey; Huard, Benjamin; Blais, Alexandre

Cloaking a qubit in a cavity Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 14, pp. 6313, 2023.

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Lacroix, Nathan; Hofele, Luca; Remm, Ants; Benhayoune-Khadraoui, Othmane; McDonald, Alexander; Shillito, Ross; Lazar, Stefania; Hellings, Christoph; Swiadek, Francois; Colao-Zanuz, Dante; Flasby, Alexander; Panah, Mohsen Bahrami; Kerschbaum, Michael; Norris, Graham J.; Blais, Alexandre; Wallraff, Andreas; Krinner, Sebastian

Fast Flux-Activated Leakage Reduction for Superconducting Quantum Circuits Bachelor Thesis


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Swiadek, François; Shillito, Ross; Magnard, Paul; Remm, Ants; Hellings, Christoph; Lacroix, Nathan; Ficheux, Quentin; Zanuz, Dante Colao; Norris, Graham J.; Blais, Alexandre; Krinner, Sebastian; Wallraff, Andreas

Enhancing Dispersive Readout of Superconducting Qubits Through Dynamic Control of the Dispersive Shift: Experiment and Theory Journal Article

In: arXiv:2307.07765, 2023.

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Storz, Simon; Schär, Josua; Kulikov, Anatoly; Magnard, Paul; Kurpiers, Philipp; Lütolf, Janis; Walter, Theo; Copetudo, Adrian; Reuer, Kevin; Akin, Abdulkadir; Besse, Jean-Claude; Gabureac, Mihai; Norris, Graham J.; Rosario, Andrés; Martin, Ferran; Martinez, José; Amaya, Waldimar; Mitchell, Morgan W.; Abellan, Carlos; Bancal, Jean-Daniel; Sangouard, Nicolas; Royer, Baptiste; Blais, Alexandre; Wallraff, Andreas

Loophole-free Bell inequality violation with superconducting circuits Journal Article

In: Nature, vol. 617, pp. 265, 2023.

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Cohen, Joachim; Petrescu, Alexandru; Shillito, Ross; Blais, Alexandre

Reminiscence of classical chaos in driven transmons Journal Article

In: PRX Quantum, vol. 4, pp. 020312, 2023.

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Leroux, Catherine; Blais, Alexandre

Cat-qubit-inspired gate on cos(2θ) qubits Journal Article

In: arXiv:2304.02155, 2023.

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Petrescu, C. Le Calonnec C. Leroux A. Di Paolo P. Mundada S. Sussman A. Vrajitoarea A. Houck A. Blais A.

Accurate methods for the analysis of strong-drive effects in parametric gates Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 19, pp. 044003, 2023.

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Lu, M.; Ville, J. L.; Cohen, J.; Petrescu, A.; Schreppler, S.; Chen, L.; Jüenger, C.; Pelletti, C.; Marchenkov, A.; Banerjee, A.; Livingston, W.; Kreikebaum, J. M.; Santiago, D.; Blais, A.; Siddiqi, I.

Multipartite Entanglement in Rabi Driven Superconducting Qubits Journal Article

In: PRX Quantum, vol. 3, pp. 040322, 2022.

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Leroux, Catherine; Parra-Rodriguez, Adrian; Shillito, Ross; Paolo, Agustin Di; Oliver, William D.; Marcus, Charles M.; Kjaergaard, Morten; Gyenis, András; Blais, Alexandre

Nonreciprocal devices based on voltage-tunable junctions Journal Article

In: pp. arXiv:2209.06194, 2022.

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Gandon, C. Le Calonnec R. Shillito A. Petrescu A.; Blais, A.

Engineering, control and longitudinal readout of Floquet qubits Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 17, pp. 064006, 2022.

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Krinner, Sebastian; Lacroix, Nathan; Remm, Ants; Paolo, Agustin Di; Genois, Elie; Leroux, Catherine; Hellings, Christoph; Lazar, Stefania; Swiadek, Francois; Herrmann, Johannes; Norris, Graham J.; Andersen, Christian Kraglund; Müller, Markus; Blais, Alexandre; Eichler, Christopher; Wallraff, Andreas

Realizing Repeated Quantum Error Correction in a Distance-Three Surface Code Journal Article

In: Nature, vol. 605, pp. 669, 2022.

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Paolo, Agustin Di; Leroux, Catherine; Hazard, Thomas M.; Serniak, Kyle; Gustavsson, Simon; Blais, Alexandre; Oliver, William D.

Extensible circuit-QED architecture via amplitude- and frequency-variable microwaves Journal Article

In: pp. arXiv:2204.08098, 2022.

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Shillito, Ross; Petrescu, Alexandru; Cohen, Joachim; Beall, Jackson; Hauru, Markus; Ganahl, Martin; Lewis, Adam G. M.; Vidal, Guifre; Blais, Alexandre

Dynamics of Transmon Ionization Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 18, pp. 034031, 2022.

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Asfaw, Abraham; Blais, Alexandre; Brown, Kenneth R.; Candelaria, Jonathan; Cantwell, Christopher; Carr, Lincoln D.; Combes, Joshua; Debroy, Dripto M.; Donohue, John M.; Economou, Sophia E.; Edwards, Emily; Fox, Michael F. J.; Girvin, Steven M.; Ho, Alan; Hurst, Hilary M.; Jacob, Zubin; Johnson, Blake R.; Johnston-Halperin, Ezekiel; Joynt, Robert; Kapit, Eliot; Klein-Seetharaman, Judith; Laforest, Martin; Lewandowski, H. J.; Lynn, Theresa W.; McRae, Corey Rae H.; Merzbacher, Celia; Michalakis, Spyridon; Narang, Prineha; Oliver, William D.; Palsberg, Jens; Pappas, David P.; Raymer, Michael G.; Reilly, David J.; Saffman, Mark; Searles, Thomas A.; Shapiro, Jeffrey H.; Singh, Chandralekha

Building a Quantum Engineering Undergraduate Program Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 220, 2022.

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Genois, Élie; Gross, Jonathan A.; Paolo, Agustin Di; Stevenson, Noah J.; Koolstra, Gerwin; Hashim, Akel; Siddiqi, Irfan; Blais, Alexandre

Quantum-Tailored Machine-Learning Characterization of a Superconducting Qubit Journal Article

In: PRX Quantum, vol. 2, iss. 4, pp. 040355, 2021.

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Gross, J.; Paolo, A. Di; Genois, E.; Shillito, R.; Blais, A.

Fast and differentiable simulation of driven quantum systems Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 3, pp. 033266, 2021.

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Gyenis, A. Di Paolo J. Koch A. Blais A. A. Houck D. Schuster A.

Moving beyond the Transmon: Noise-Protected Superconducting Quantum Circuits Journal Article

In: PRX Quantum, vol. 2, pp. 030101, 2021.

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Leroux, A. Di Paolo A. Blais C.

Superconducting coupler with exponentially large on-off ratio Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 16, pp. 064062, 2021.

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Blais, A. L. Grimsmo S. M. Girvin A.; Wallraff, A.

Circuit quantum electrodynamics Journal Article

In: Rev. Mod. Phys., vol. 93, pp. 025005, 2021.

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Choquette, Alexandre; Paolo, Agustin Di; Barkoutsos, Panagiotis Kl.; Sénéchal, David; Tavernelli, Ivano; Blais, Alexandre

Quantum-optimal-control-inspired ansatz for variational quantum algorithms Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 3, pp. 023092, 2021.

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Gyenis, P. S. Mundada A. Di Paolo T. Hazard X. You D. Schuster J. Koch A. Blais A. A. Houck A.

Experimental Realization of a Protected Superconducting Circuit Derived from the 0-pi Qubit Journal Article

In: PRX Quantum, vol. 2, pp. 010339, 2021.

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Grimsmo, B. Royer J. M. Kreikebaum Y. Ye K. O'Brien I. Siddiqi A. L.; Blais, A.

Quantum Metamaterial for Broadband Detection of Single Microwave Photons Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 15, pp. 034074, 2021.

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Gross, C. Godfrin A. Blais J. A.; Dupont-Ferrier, E.

Hardware-efficient error-correcting codes for large nuclear spins Journal Article

In: pp. arXiv:2103.08548, 2021.

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Paolo, Agustin T. E. Baker A. Foley D. Sénéchal A. Di; Blais, A.

Efficient modeling of superconducting quantum circuits with tensor networks Journal Article

In: npj Quantum Information, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 11, 2021.

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Magnard, Simon Storz Philipp Kurpiers Josua Schär Fabian Marxer Janis Lütolf Jean-Claude Besse Mihai Gabureac Kevin Reuer Abdulkadir Akin Baptiste Royer Alexandre Blais Paul; Wallraff, Andreas

Microwave Quantum Link between Superconducting Circuits Housed in Spatially Separated Cryogenic Systems Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 125, pp. 260502, 2020.

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Krinner, S.; Kurpiers, P.; Royer, B.; Magnard, P.; Tsitsilin, I.; Besse, J. -C.; Remm, A.; Blais, A.; Wallraff, A.

Demonstration of an All-Microwave Controlled-Phase Gate between Far-Detuned Qubits Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 14, pp. 044039, 2020.

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Lacroix, Nathan; Hellings, Christoph; Andersen, Christian Kraglund; Paolo, Agustin Di; Remm, Ants; Lazar, Stefania; Krinner, Sebastian; Norris, Graham J.; Gabureac, Mihai; Heinsoo, Johannes; Blais, Alexandre; Eichler, Christopher; Wallraff, Andreas

Improving the Performance of Deep Quantum Optimization Algorithms with Continuous Gate Sets Journal Article

In: PRX Quantum, vol. 1, pp. 110304, 2020.

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Paolo, Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos Ivano Tavernelli Agustin Di; Blais, Alexandre

Variational quantum simulation of ultrastrong light-matter coupling Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 2, pp. 033364, 2020.

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Kalashnikov, Konstantin; Hsieh, Wen Ting; Zhang, Wenyuan; Lu, Wen-Sen; Kamenov, Plamen; Paolo, Agustin Di; Blais, Alexandre; Gershenson, Michael E.; Bell, Matthew

Bifluxon: Fluxon-Parity-Protected Superconducting Qubit Journal Article

In: PRX Quantum, vol. 1, pp. 010307, 2020.

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Andersen, Archana Kamal Nicholas A. Masluk Ioan M. Pop Alexandre Blais Christian Kraglund; Devoret, Michel H.

Quantum Versus Classical Switching Dynamics of Driven Dissipative Kerr Resonators Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 13, pp. 044017, 2020.

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Blais, S. M. Girvin A.; Oliver, W. D.

Quantum information processing and quantum optics with circuit quantum electrodynamics Journal Article

In: Nature Physics, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 247–256, 2020, ISBN: 1745-2481.

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Puri, Shruti; St-Jean, Lucas; Gross, Jonathan A.; Grimm, Alexander; Frattini, Nicholas E.; Iyer, Pavithran S.; Krishna, Anirudh; Touzard, Steven; Jiang, Liang; Blais, Alexandre; Flammia, Steven T.; Girvin, S. M.

Bias-preserving gates with stabilized cat qubits Journal Article

In: Science Advances, vol. 6, no. 34, 2020.

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Kurpiers, M. Pechal B. Royer P. Magnard T. Walter J. Heinsoo Y. Salathé A. Akin S. StorzJ. -C. Besse S. Gasparinetti A. Blais P.; Wallraff, A.

Quantum Communication with Time-Bin Encoded Microwave Photons Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 12, pp. 044067, 2019.

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Paolo, Arne L Grimsmo Peter Groszkowski Jens Koch Agustin Di; Blais, Alexandre

Control and coherence time enhancement of the 0–π qubit Journal Article

In: New Journal of Physics, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 043002, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Mendes, S. Jezouin P. Joyez B. Reulet A. Blais F. Portier C. Mora U. C.; Altimiras, C.

Parametric amplification and squeezing with an ac- and dc-voltage biased superconducting junction Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 11, pp. 034035, 2019.

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Sussman, Paul Corkum Alexandre Blais David Cory Ben; Damascelli, Andrea

Quantum Canada Journal Article

In: Quantum Science and Technology, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 020503, 2019.

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Scarlino, P.; van Woerkom, D. J.; Mendes, U. C.; Koski, J. V.; Landig, A. J.; Andersen, C. K.; Gasparinetti, S.; Reichl, C.; Wegscheider, W.; Ensslin, K.; Ihn, T.; Blais, A.; Wallraff, A.

Coherent microwave-photon-mediated coupling between a semiconductor and a superconducting qubit Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 3011, 2019, ISBN: 2041-1723.

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Hazard, A. Gyenis A. Di Paolo A. T. Asfaw S. A Lyon A. Blais A. A. Houck T. M

Nanowire Superinductance Fluxonium Qubit Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 122, pp. 010504, 2019.

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Magnard, P. Kurpiers B. Royer T. Walter J. -C. Besse S. Gasparinetti M. Pechal J. Heinsoo S. Storz A. Blais A. Wallraff P.

Fast and Unconditional All-Microwave Reset of a Superconducting Qubit Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 121, pp. 060502, 2018.

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Royer, A. L. Grimsmo A. Choquette-Poitevin A. Blais B.

Itinerant Microwave Photon Detector Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 120, pp. 203602, 2018.

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Landig, J. V. Koski P. Scarlino U. C. Mendes A. Blais C. Reichl W. Wegscheider A. Wallraff K. Ensslin T. Ihn A. J.

Coherent spin--photon coupling using a resonant exchange qubit Journal Article

In: Nature, 2018, ISBN: 1476-4687.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Royer, Shruti Puri Baptiste; Blais, Alexandre

Qubit parity measurement by parametric driving in circuit QED Journal Article

In: Science Advances, vol. 4, no. 11, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Kurpiers, P.; Magnard, P.; Walter, T.; Royer, B.; Pechal, M.; Heinsoo, J.; Salathé, Y.; Akin, A.; Storz, S.; Besse, J. -C.; Gasparinetti, S.; Blais, A.; Wallraff, A.

Deterministic quantum state transfer and remote entanglement using microwave photons Journal Article

In: Nature, vol. 558, no. 7709, pp. 264–267, 2018, ISBN: 1476-4687.

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Samkharadze, G. Zheng N. Kalhor D. Brousse A. Sammak U. C. Mendes A. Blais G. Scappucci N.; Vandersypen, L. M. K.

Strong spin-photon coupling in silicon Journal Article

In: Science, vol. 359, no. 6380, pp. 1123–1127, 2018, ISSN: 0036-8075.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Groszkowski, A. Di Paolo A. L. Grimsmo A. Blais D. I. Schuster A. A. Houck J. Koch P.

Coherence properties of the 0-pi qubit Journal Article

In: New Journal of Physics, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 043053, 2018.

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Boutin, Samuel; Toyli, David M.; Venkatramani, Aditya V.; Eddins, Andrew W.; Siddiqi, Irfan; Blais, Alexandre

Effect of Higher-Order Nonlinearities on Amplification and Squeezing in Josephson Parametric Amplifiers Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 8, pp. 054030, 2017.

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Chapman, Benjamin J.; Rosenthal, Eric I.; Kerckhoff, Joseph; Moores, Bradley A.; Vale, Leila R.; Mates, J. A. B.; Hilton, Gene C.; Lalumi`ere, Kevin; Blais, Alexandre; Lehnert, K. W.

Widely Tunable On-Chip Microwave Circulator for Superconducting Quantum Circuits Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. X, vol. 7, pp. 041043, 2017.

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Boutin, C. Kraglund Andersen J. Venkatraman A. J. Ferris S.; Blais, A.

Resonator reset in circuit QED by optimal control for large open quantum systems Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 96, pp. 042315, 2017.

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Puri, C. K. Andersen A. L. Grimsmo S.; Blais, A.

Quantum annealing with all-to-all connected nonlinear oscillators Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 8, pp. 15785, 2017.

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Royer, Arne L. Grimsmo Nicolas Didier Baptiste; Blais, Alexandre

Fast and high-fidelity entangling gate through parametrically modulated longitudinal coupling Journal Article

In: Quantum, vol. 1, pp. 11, 2017.

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Grimsmo, A. L.; Blais, A.

Squeezing and quantum state engineering with Josephson travelling wave amplifiers Journal Article

In: npj Quantum Information, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 20, 2017, ISBN: 2056-6387.

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Andersen, C. Kraglund; Blais, A.

Ultrastrong coupling dynamics with a transmon qubit Journal Article

In: New Journal of Physics, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 023022, 2017.

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Beaudoin, A. Blais F.; Coish, W. A.

Hamiltonian engineering for robust quantum state transfer and qubit readout in cavity QED Journal Article

In: New Journal of Physics, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 023041, 2017.

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Puri, Shruti; Boutin, Samuel; Blais, Alexandre

Engineering the quantum states of light in a Kerr-nonlinear resonator by two-photon driving Journal Article

In: npj Quantum Information, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 18, 2017, ISBN: 2056-6387.

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Toyli, A. W. Eddins S. Boutin S. Puri D. Hover V. Bolkhovsky W. D. Oliver A. Blais D. M.; Siddiqi, I.

Resonance Fluorescence from an Artificial Atom in Squeezed Vacuum Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. X, vol. 6, pp. 031004, 2016.

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Puri, Shruti; Blais, Alexandre

High-Fidelity Resonator-Induced Phase Gate with Single-Mode Squeezing Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 116, pp. 180501, 2016.

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Grimsmo, Farzad Qassemi Bertrand Reulet Arne L.; Blais, Alexandre

Quantum Optics Theory of Electronic Noise in Coherent Conductors Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 116, pp. 043602, 2016.

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Slichter, C. Muller R. Vijay S. J. Weber A. Blais D. H.; Siddiqi, I.

Quantum Zeno effect in the strong measurement regime of circuit quantum electrodynamics Journal Article

In: New Journal of Physics, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 053031, 2016.

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Didier, J Bourassa N.; Blais, A.

Fast Quantum Nondemolition Readout by Parametric Modulation of Longitudinal Qubit-Oscillator Interaction Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 115, pp. 203601, 2015.

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Kerckhoff, K. Lalumi`ere B. J. Chapman A. Blais A. J.; Lehnert, K. W.

On-Chip Superconducting Microwave Circulator from Synthetic Rotation Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 4, pp. 034002, 2015.

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Didier, Archana Kamal William D. Oliver Alexandre Blais Nicolas; Clerk, Aashish A.

Heisenberg-Limited Qubit Read-Out with Two-Mode Squeezed Light Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 115, pp. 093604, 2015.

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Schmitt, X. Zhou K. Juliusson B. Royer A. Blais P. Bertet D. Vion D. Esteve V.

Multiplexed readout of transmon qubits with Josephson bifurcation amplifiers Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 90, pp. 062333, 2014.

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Lalumi`ere, Kevin; Blais, Alexandre

Remote Controlled Entanglement Journal Article

In: Physics, vol. 7, pp. 45, 2014.

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Boissonneault, A. C. Doherty F. R. Ong P. Bertet D. Vion D. Esteve M.; Blais, A.

Superconducting qubit as a probe of squeezing in a nonlinear resonator Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 89, pp. 022324, 2014.

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Didier, Farzad Qassemi Nicolas; Blais, Alexandre

Perfect squeezing by damping modulation in circuit quantum electrodynamics Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 89, pp. 013820, 2014.

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Mueller, Clemens Bourassa Jérôme; Blais, Alexandre

Detection and manipulation of Majorana fermions in circuit QED Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. B, vol. 88, pp. 235401, 2013.

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Wallraff, A. Stockklauser A. Ihn T. Petta J. R.; Blais, A.

Comment on "Vacuum Rabi Splitting in a Semiconductor Circuit QED System'' Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 111, pp. 249701, 2013.

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Lalumiere, K.; van Loo A. Fedorov A. Wallraff B. C. Sanders, A. F.; Blais, A.

Input-output theory for waveguide QED with an ensemble of inhomogeneous atoms Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 88, pp. 043806, 2013.

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Strand, M. Ware F. Beaudoin T. A. Ohki B. R. Johnson A. Blais J. D.; Plourde, B. L. T.

First-order sideband transitions with flux-driven asymmetric transmon qubits Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. B, vol. 87, pp. 220505, 2013.

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Lang, C. Eichler L. Steffen J. M. Fink M. J. Woolley A. Blais C.; Wallraff, A.

Correlations, indistinguishability and entanglement in Hong-Ou-Mandel experiments at microwave frequencies Journal Article

In: Nat Phys, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 345, 2013.

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Ong, M. Boissonneault F. Mallet A. C. Doherty A. Blais D. Vion D. Esteve P. Bertet F. R.

Quantum Heating of a Nonlinear Resonator Probed by a Superconducting Qubit Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 110, pp. 047001, 2013.

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Woolley, C Lang C Eichler A Wallraff MJ; Blais, A

Signatures of Hong–Ou–Mandel interference at microwave frequencies Journal Article

In: New Journal of Physics, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 105025, 2013.

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van Loo, Arjan F.; Fedorov, Arkady; Lalumière, Kevin; Sanders, Barry C.; Blais, Alexandre; Wallraff, Andreas

Photon-Mediated Interactions Between Distant Artificial Atoms Journal Article

In: Science, vol. 342, no. 6165, pp. 1494-1496, 2013.

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Slichter, D. H.; Vijay, R.; Weber, S. J.; Boutin, S.; Boissonneault, M.; Gambetta, J. M.; Blais, A.; Siddiqi, I.

Measurement-Induced Qubit State Mixing in Circuit QED from Up-Converted Dephasing Noise Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 109, pp. 153601, 2012.

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da Silva Z. Dutton F. Beaudoin, M. P.; Blais, A.

First-order sidebands in circuit QED using qubit frequency modulation Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 86, pp. 022305, 2012.

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Boissonneault, J. M. Gambetta Maxime; Blais, A.

Improved qubit bifurcation readout in the straddling regime of circuit QED Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 86, pp. 022326, 2012.

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Bourassa, F. Beaudoin J. M. Gambetta J.; Blais,

Josephson-junction-embedded transmission-line resonators: From Kerr medium to in-line transmon Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 86, pp. 013814, 2012.

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Boissonneault, A. C. Doherty F. R. Ong P. Bertet D. Vion D. Esteve Maxime; Blais, A.

Back-action of a driven nonlinear resonator on a superconducting qubit Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 85, pp. 022305, 2012.

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Denhez, Gabrielle; Blais, Alexandre; Poulin, David

Quantum error correction benchmarks for continuous weak parity measurements Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 86, pp. 032318, 2012.

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Frey, P. J. Leek M. Beck A. Blais T. Ihn J. Ensslin T.; Wallraff, A.

Dipole Coupling of a Double Quantum Dot to a Microwave Resonator Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 108, pp. 046807, 2012.

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Beaudoin, J. M. Gambetta F.; Blais, A.

Dissipation and ultrastrong coupling in circuit QED Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 84, pp. 043832, 2011.

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Lang, D. Bozyigit C. Eichler L. Steffen J. M. Fink A. A. Abdumalikov M. Baur S. Filipp M. P. Da Silva A. Blais A. Wallraff C.

Observation of resonant photon blockade at microwave frequencies using correlation function measurements Journal Article

In: Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 106, no. 24, pp. 243601, 2011.

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Bozyigit, C. Lang L. Steffen J. M. Fink C. Eichler M. Baur R. Bianchetti P. J. Leek S. Filipp A. Wallraff M. P. Da Silva A. Blais D.

Correlation measurements of individual microwave photons emitted from a symmetric cavity Journal Article

In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 264, no. 1, pp. 012024, 2011.

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Bozyigit, C. Lang L. Steffen J. M. Fink C. Eichler M. Baur R. Bianchetti P. J. Leek S. Filipp M. P. Da Silva A. Blais A. Wallraff D.

Antibunching of microwave-frequency photons observed in correlation measurements using linear detectors Journal Article

In: Nature Physics, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 154-158, 2011.

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Ong, M. Boissonneault F. Mallet A. Palacios-Laloy A. Dewes A. C. Doherty A. Blais P. Bertet D. Vion D. Esteve F. R.

Circuit QED with a nonlinear resonator: Ac-stark shift and dephasing Journal Article

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Bertet, F. R. Ong M. Boissonneault A. Bolduc F. Mallet A. Doherty A. Blais D. Vion P.; Esteve, D.

Circuit quantum electrodynamics with a nonlinear resonator Book Chapter

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Lalumière, J. M. Gambetta A. Blais K.

Tunable joint measurements in the dispersive regime of cavity QED Journal Article

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Silva, D. Bozyigit A. Wallraff A. Blais M. P. Da

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Bianchetti, S. Filipp M. Baur J. M. Fink C. Lang L. Steffen M. Boissonneault A. Blais A. Wallraff R.

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Hutchison, J. M. Gambetta A. Blais F. K. Wilhelm C. L.

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Bourassa, J. M. Gambetta A. A. Abdumalikov O. Astafiev Y. Nakamura A. Blais J.

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Fink, M. Baur R. Bianchetti S. Filipp M. Göppl P. J. Leek L. Steffen A. Blais A. Wallraff J. M.

Thermal excitation of multi-photon dressed states in circuit quantum electrodynamics Conference

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Dicarlo, J. M. Chow J. M. Gambetta L. S. Bishop B. R. Johnson D. I. Schuster J. Majer A. Blais L. Frunzio S. M. Girvin R. J. Schoelkopf L.

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Baur, S. Filipp R. Bianchetti J. M. Fink M. Göppl L. Steffen P. J. Leek A. Blais A. Wallraff M.

Measurement of autler-townes and mollow transitions in a strongly driven superconducting qubit Journal Article

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Boissonneault, J. M. Gambetta A. Blais M.

Dispersive regime of circuit QED: Photon-dependent qubit dephasing and relaxation rates Journal Article

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Bianchetti, S. Filipp M. Baur J. M. Fink M. Göppl P. J. Leek L. Steffen A. Blais A. Wallraff R.

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Filipp, P. Maurer P. J. Leek M. Baur R. Bianchetti J. M. Fink M. Göppl L. Steffen J. M. Gambetta A. Blais A. Wallraff S.

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Fink, R. Bianchetti M. Baur M. Goeppl L. Steffen S. Filipp P. J. Leek A. Blais J. M.; Wallraff, A.

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Fragner, M. Göppl J. M. Fink M. Baur R. Bianchetti P. J. Leek A. Blais A. Wallraff A.

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Fink, M. Göppl M. Baur R. Bianchetti P. J. Leek A. Blais A. Wallraff J. M.

Climbing the Jaynes-Cummings ladder and observing its √n nonlinearity in a cavity QED system Journal Article

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Boissonneault, J. M. Gambetta A. Blais M.

Nonlinear dispersive regime of cavity QED: The dressed dephasing model Journal Article

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Xue, B. C. Sanders A. Blais K. Lalumière P.

Quantum walks on circles in phase space via superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamics Journal Article

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Blais, A.; Gambetta, J. M.

Filling a cavity with photons, and watching them leave Journal Article

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Wallraff, D. I. Schuster A. Blais J. M. Gambetta J. Schreier L. Frunzio M. H. Devoret S. M. Girvin A.; Schoelkopf, R. J.

Sideband Transitions and Two-Tone Spectroscopy of a Superconducting Qubit Strongly Coupled to an On-Chip Cavity Journal Article

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Blais, J. Gambetta A. Wallraff D. I. Schuster S. M. Girvin M. H. Devoret R. J. Schoelkopf A.

Quantum-information processing with circuit quantum electrodynamics Journal Article

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Resolving photon number states in a superconducting circuit Journal Article

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Koch, T. M. Yu J. Gambetta A. A. Houck D. I. Schuster J. Majer A. Blais M. H. Devoret S. M. Girvin R. J. Schoelkopf J.

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Majer, J. M. Chow J. M. Gambetta J. Koch B. R. Johnson J. A. Schreier L. Frunzio D. I. Schuster A. A. Houck A. Wallraff A. Blais M. H. Devoret S. M. Girvin R. J. Schoelkopf J.

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Zagoskin, A.; Blais, A.

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Rigetti, A. Blais M. Devoret C.

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Schuster, A. Wallraff A. Blais L. Frunzio R. -S. Huang J. Majer S. M. Girvin R. J. Schoelkopf D. I.

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Girvin, R. -S. Huang A. Blais A. Wallraff R. J. Schoelkopf S. M.

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Blais, A. Maassen Van Den Brink A. M. Zagoskin A.

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Lidar, L. -A. Wu D. A.; Blais, A.

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